Salt; sulphur, earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cement

Ex 25 Sep 22

For Study of Exports data of the month of September 202, under Chapter 25, please download the Excel File.

HS CODE: 2501, deals in Salt, Nature has granted Pakistan, the best edible pink salt in the world, and it is liked very much globally. Most of the world knows it as name Himalayan Salt. But it is actually mined in hills of Suleman, Khaora is the largest and old mine. Qaid Abad is also salt mining area.

HS code 2505 and 2506 deals in Silica Sand and  Silica Quartz. Pakistan has very good quality mines of Silica Quartz in KPK and Gilgit Province. The negative point is that these areas are very far from Sea Ports in Pakistan. The transportation cost comes very high, so, it is not too competitive like Siri Lankan Origin Silica Quartz.

HS Code 2508 Deals in Earth Clay,

HS Code 2510 is about Rock Phosphate.

HS Code 2515 deals in Onyx and  marble Blocks, and Boulders.

HS code 2517 deals in Stone Pebbles, Slag Binder, Rock Wall, Dolomite Stones, Lime Stones and Magnesite.

HS Code 2523 deals in Clinkers and Cement.

HS Code 2525 in Mica, and HS code 2526 in Talc (Soap Stone)

HS Code 2529 in Fluorspar, and HS Code 2530 in Calcite.



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